The practice’s DNA Policy is intended to free up more appointments and make them available for use. Patients tell us that they sometimes find it difficult to see a doctor or practice nurse within 1 to 3 days for a routine appointment.
One reason this can be difficult is due to patients who fail to show up for a scheduled appointment, or who cancel late so that we cannot re-use the appointment. This problem wastes a large number of appointments.
There are always circumstances that can prevent a person from attending an appointment, and we ask that you give us adequate notice (at least 24 hours beforehand) whenever this happens. Special circumstances, where due to an extreme situation, when no notice can be given, may also occur. However, even in such instances, it is a courtesy to contact reception afterwards and explain the circumstances at the earliest opportunity.
Frequent non-attendees will be asked to leave the practice if this happens on three separate occasions within a 12-month period.